St Francis De Sales Catholic Infant And Nursery School

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St Francis De Sales Catholic Infant And Nursery School

We walk, learn, love and smile together with Jesus

Year 2

Welcome to our Year 2 page, we hope you enjoy looking at all our wonderful learning!

Parent Information Meeting(23 - 24)

If your child has recently started in Year 2, or if you were unable to attend our Parents Information Meeting earlier in the year, you might find it useful to take a minute to look through our ‘New to Year 2’  power-point. If you have any questions about the information provided or any other query about your child’s time at SFDS Infants, please do speak to your child’s Class Teacher.

The Year 2 Team

Home Learning

This year we will be again providing the majority of our Home Learning via the classroom app 'SEESAW'. This proved a big success last year, with so many wonderful pieces of homework coming in. Sending work in this way allows the children so many different opportunities to present their learning, for example through photographs and videos, allowing them to be as creative as they wish! It also means that the children are able to view their friends work for inspiration or to add compliments. SeeSaw also means that your child's class teacher is able to offer feedback and advice on their work that the children themselves can then respond to.

Each child has now been sent home with their own individual code to access their class SeeSaw site. If you have any problems accessing home learning in this way please do not hesitate to contact your child's class teacher, who will be only too happy to provide assistance. 


Year 2 Football Tournament

Year 2 classes participated in a football tournament this week for National Sports Week. 
The children enjoyed taking part in the competition, using dribbling, shooting, tackling skills and building teamwork skills. Congratulations to Amazing Amphibians group from Oak Class, they were the winners! 


Maypole dancing- what a lot of fun we all had skipping around the maypole in the sunshine. 

The Beatles Story & Albert Dock Trip

Oak class and Silver Birch Class have had a wonderful trip to the The Beatles Story and The Albert Dock. In history, we are learning about The Beatles and how significant they were to not only local history but global history too. We then walked around the Albert Dock and visited The Three Graces at The Pier Head,  identifying physical and human features that we have been learning about in Geography also. A fun day was had by all! 

The Queen who banned exercise

Look at some of the amazing stories that the children have written.

Formby Woods and Crosby Beach.

Year 2 had an excellent day exploring micro habitats at Formby Woods, they searched high, low and under fallen logs for different mini beasts-Silverbirch even found a small newt. Seeing the ducklings was a highlight for many. It was then onto Crosby beach to observe the iron men, identify human and physical features, finished off with a fun play in the sand. 


Careers and Aspirations Day 24

We’ve had a fantastic day in Year 2 learning all about different jobs and careers. 

PE -Dance
We are enjoying our Dance unit this half term, learning to use counts of 8 to create movement to music inspired by the rainforest and Jack Frost. 

Art Workshop - Sculpture

We enjoyed our Art workshop with Artist Gill. She taught us printing and sculpting skills using clay. We created different patterns and textures using different media and materials.

Martin Mere: We had so much fun exploring micro habitats as part of our Science learning. We learnt about different birds and where they live around the world. We loved pond dipping and exploring under fallen logs. It was all finished off with a bit of fun in the park. 


World book day.

Recycling centre: We had so much fun looking at the sorting machines in Gillmoss Recycling Centre. We learnt that we can recycle glass, plastic bottles only, cardboard, paper, aluminium and steel. Did you know, we can’t recycle Pringle tubes because they have a mixture of different materials?

Art: Landscapes inspired by Claude Monet. We have been using watercolour paints to create colour wash backgrounds before drawing a Liverpool landscape. 

St Francis De Sales Feast day. We celebrated our school name sake by leading a wonderful service in church followed by creating some lovely posters about St Francis himself and finished off with a party lunch and reading for enjoyment.

Religious Education:Signs and symbols.

We have enjoyed acting out a Baptism. This has helped us to recognise the symbols of a baptism, including the welcome, the holy water, the sign of the cross and the white garment. 

Geography : Continents and oceans. 
This term, we have loved learning about the seven continents and the five oceans. We used songs, atlases, maps and globes to help us explore the locations of these in relation to the equator. 

 Science- living things and their habitats. We had a lot of fun building our own microhabitats for insects including ants, beetles, wood lice, spiders and worms. We also found out how litter can harm habitats, plants and animals…look at all this litter from our playground.

 Coronation Celebrations 

We have had a lovely day celebrating the coronation of King Charles III. The children have drawn portraits of King Charles, made their very own colourful crowns and we even had time for a dance party! We enjoyed our lovely party lunch too! 

Coronation Lunch.

A big thank you to our kitchen staff and dinner ladies who prepared a lovely Coronation Lunch so we could celebrate the upcoming Coronation of our new King.

Happy Easter

This week we have been coming together as a school to celebrate the Easter story. As we break up for half term we leave you with some clips of our Easter Sunday assembly.

Amazing Attendees 

Well done to all our Year 2 children with 100% attendance! As well as being entered into the school’s Easter Basket raffle, each child got the chance to make a tasty treat to celebrate. Yummy!

Science Day in Year 2

As part of our celebration of National Science Week, Year 2 spent the morning trying lots of different experiments to inspire our future Scientists. Check out the video below where we explored the CHEMICAL REACTION made by combining Vinegar and Bicarbonate of Soda. We explored how the gas made from the reaction built up inside the bottle until the PRESSURE got too great and our rocket took off!

We also tried to make our own lava lamps using oil, water and salt. Unfortunately we didn’t have much success today but it was still lots of fun mixing the two substances together then watching them separate. If you want to try this at home, I would recommend using a broken up alka seltzer. 

RE - Responses

Year 2 have been working hard to learn some of the responses the Parish Family use during Mass. We are learning these so that we can join in and feel part of this special service that lets us ‘give thanks’ to God and remember Jesus.

World Book Day 2023

Year 2 had lots of fun taking part in World Book Day. We were joined by a plethora of characters, including an assortment of Harry Potter’s to several Spidermen! The children enjoyed taking the time to read some of their favourite books as well as doing some writing to describe their character, challenging themselves to use different vocabulary by using a thesaurus. What a fun day!

Geography- The Seven Continents

Year Two have begun to extend our horizons away from the UK and turn our attention instead to the seven continents of the world. Using Atlases and Globes the children were able to locate each continent as well as its proximity to the Equator. The children were then challenged to map out all 7 continents on their own inflatable globe/balloon

The 5 OceansFollowing on from learning about the 7 continents, the children learnt about the 5 Oceans: They are The Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Southern and Arctic. The children made their own jigsaw of the world then used atlases to find and label the oceans. 

Geography - Seas and Oceans

Oak class had lots of fun in Geography today. First we tried to create our own giant maps of the UK using skipping ropes, before checking them with Atlases and then labelling each part. Then we were introduced to the different seas and oceans that surround it. We tried using the names of each to help us guess where they might sit around the UK, before using the Atlases to check whether we were right.

Dance - Spring 1

Year 2 have been enjoying our weekly dance lessons and have produced routines worthy of strictly. This week we have been learning to use our bodies to create a collective movement (a giant wave from the ocean) as well as individual movements (the creatures that live in the ocean). 

Computing - Programming Robots

Year 2 have been exploring our new computing topic ‘Programming Robots’. Having been introduced to the new vocabulary ‘Algorithms’, we first explored the importance of giving clear instructions to one another (with some hilarious results

History - Moon Landing

Year 2 have been loving our new history topic, learning all about the Space Race and the Moon landing. We looked at chronology, and where the moon landing fits on our classroom timeline. The we looked at all of the different events that led up to the moon landing. We spoke about how these events were significant and why!

Additional Remote Learning

Please find below additional packs that can be used alongside the remote learning provided via our SeeSaw App. Start by taking a look at the Bronze pack, and when you feel you have mastered this, move through the Silver and Gold. 





Check out the Liverpool Counts Quality Mark (LCQM) page. There are lots of photos and links to Maths websites that will help you and your child at home.