St Francis De Sales Catholic Infant And Nursery School

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St Francis De Sales Catholic Infant And Nursery School

We walk, learn, love and smile together with Jesus

Catholic Life Of The School

Year 2 Leavers

Good bye and good luck to our Year 2s as they leave us to take their next big step and join the Juniors.  We are so proud of all of your achievements, and the amazing progress you have made here in the Infants.

End of the School Year Party

We came together as a school family to celebrate all of our progress and the achievements that we have made this year.  It was a wonderful day having fun in the sun!  Click 'play' to watch.

Well done to the winners of our final Mission Statement Certificates of the school year!
Well done to the winners of our final Mission Statement Certificates of the school year!
Year 2 School Council with some of the 242 batteries we collected for our recycle to read collection!
Year 2 School Council with some of the 242 batteries we collected for our recycle to read collection!

Eco Club

Making links within our community. We took three of our excellent attendees to LFC this morning. They had a tour, were given signed pictures and then got to draw the matches that we will be raffling tickets for in the next school year…one of the matches drawn was the Derby!!!! Thank you LFC.

St Francis de Sales Feast Day


On 24th January we celebrate the Feast Day of our Patron Saint, St Francis de Sales.  We have a special celebration service in Church when we think of all the ways we follow our school Mission Statement.  St Francis loved to read and to learn so we all get a new book of our own to take home. 

St Francis de Sales Feast Day

Holy Week

During this special week, we have been preparing for the celebration of the Resurrection of Jesus on Easter Sunday.

Each day this week we have gathered as a school family, and Year 2 led us in reflection, prayer and song. On Monday, Silver Birch Class helped us to remember Palm Sunday. The children all made their own palms which we waved and we sang ‘Hosanna’, to re-enact Jesus’ welcome into Jerusalem. On Tuesday, we remembered Maundy Thursday and Jesus sharing his last supper with his friends. Hazel Class showed us how Jesus washed the feet of his friends and shared bread and wine with them. Holly class led us in prayer on Wednesday as we remembered that Jesus died on the cross on Good Friday. Thank you to all parents and carers who joined us in Church this morning, when Oak class reminded us how Jesus rose again on Easter Sunday. Special thanks to Mr Townley for leading and accompanying the children in their beautiful singing.

Ash Wednesday

NSPCC Number Day- Wacky Hair Day!

Sharing Christmas love and joy in our local community. Thank you Walton Manor Care Home for your warm welcome. 

We Live Out the Gospel Values 
This half term we are focusing on the Gospel Value, love! Each class shared a Collective worship to introduce the Gospel value and listened to the word of God. We will be celebrating any act of love that we see in our school. 

Year 1 Spring Concert

During Lent, we reflect and think about how we can grow and follow in Jesus’ footsteps. Jesus died on the cross and rose again to show how much he loves us.

We thank God for creating our wonderful world and everything in it. 

During Lent, we show God ways that we can grow and change by spreading joy, peace and love. 

On 6th January we celebrated the Feast of the Epiphany