St Francis De Sales Catholic Infant And Nursery School

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Margaret Road, Liverpool, Walton, L4 3RX,

0151 525 8489

St Francis De Sales Catholic Infant And Nursery School

We walk, learn, love and smile together with Jesus

PE at St Francis de Sales

'Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the basis of a dynamic and creative intellectual activity,' John F Kennedy

Click here for our PE Policy

Click here for our Progression Document

Click here for our Curriculum Overview

National Sports Week

Children participated in inter year football competitions and learned how to Maypole Dance! Lots of fun was had by all!

Sports Day 


The children were amazing. They competed in lots of different races including the sack race, egg and spoon race and relay races. Fun was had by all.

Dance - Year 2

The rainforest.

Children have been learning to copy, repeat and create actions in response to a stimulus, to copy, create and perform actions considering dynamics and finally create a short dance phrase with a partner showing clear changes of speed.


Dance-Year 2 

Jack Frost

Chidren have learned lots of new skills in this dance developed over three weeks. Children have been able to copy, repeat and create movement patterns in response to theme, to create and perform using unison, mirroring and matching with a partner and finally to remember and repeat actions and dance as a group.


Ball skills

Children have been learning to roll, track, throw, dribble with hands, dribble with feet and kick and and catch. They have learned about working co-opertaively, turn taking, working safely and effective communication.  The children are becoming more independent, determined and learning to think tactically.

Balance bikes


Children learned bike safety and how to ride, control and balance on the bike. Basic road safety was discussed too. They did brilliantly. Well done Reception!


In this topic children developed basic gymnastic skills through the topic of Traditional Tales. They explored creating shapes and balances, jumps and rolls. They began to develop an awareness of space and how to use it safely. They performed basic skills on both the floor and apparatus. They copied, remembered and repeated short sequences. Finally they began to understand using different levels and directions when travelling and balancing.