St Francis De Sales Catholic Infant And Nursery School

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St Francis De Sales Catholic Infant And Nursery School

We walk, learn, love and smile together with Jesus

Geography at St Francis De Sales

'The study of Geography is more than just memorising places on a map. It's about understanding the complexities of our world,' Barack Obama


Our geographers will 

  • begin to be able to locate continents, oceans and places around the world
  • gain a knowledge of some human and physical features of places
  • use a range of geographical information including maps, globes and photographs

Click here for our Geography Policy 23-24

Click here for our Geography Progression Document

Click here for our Curriculum Overview

Click here for our Geography Vocabulary Overview

Year 1

In Year 1, we have been looking at maps. To start our new learning, we first had a walk around our local area. We looked at the different buildings, houses and roads. We used new vocabulary to describe places. We used the words; near, far, next to...


After our walk, we then mapped out everything we saw on our walk. We included; the junior school, the dentist, the barber shop and even the street signs. Take a look...


Year 1


In Year 1 the children have been learning all about human and physical features. The children looked at human and physical features in their locality as well as the four capital cities of the United Kingdom. They completed sorting activities and really enjoyed their learning!

Year 2

In Year 2 we have been learning all about the seven continents and the five oceans. We used maps and globes to help us to create our own globes, using balloons.  We had so much fun! Then we made our own maps and labelled the continents and oceans on them. We also spent time learning about the four main compass points (north, south, east and west), and we explored some co-ordinates also! 

Year 2

We have recapped The United Kingdom in Geography. We know the 4 countries and their capital cities:

England - London 

Northern Ireland -Belfast 



We also now know the seas that surround the United Kingdom - The English Channel, the Irish Sea, the North Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. 


Year 2


In Year 2 we have been studying a small area of the UK and a small area in a non-European country. We decided to study Liverpool and Lagos. The children have really enjoyed learning about both areas, including the human and physical features found there as well as the climates in both areas! We then completed wonderful posters to showcase all our learning of the similarities and differences between Liverpool and Lagos. 

Year 2


Year 2 enjoyed a trip to Formby Pinewoods and Crosby Beach. As part of our recent learning about Liverpool and Lagos, the children have been revisiting human and physical features in both of these locations. They were so excited to explore the beach and the pinewoods as well as see Liverpool Docks from the beach!