Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
Pupils with an identified Special Educational Need and/or Disability (SEND) at St. Francis de Sales Catholic Infant and Nursery School are fully included in all aspects of school life and are given appropriate support to access the curriculum to reach their full potential and succeed in life. Any learner may have special educational needs at some point during their time in school and therefore a wide variety of strategies will be used to meet the needs as they are identified. Parents and carers are supported in seeking advice and implementing strategies they need to create an environment to fulfil their child’s potential, both in school and at home.
Mrs Wynn-Hughes is our Acting SENDCo. She is responsible for special educational needs at school. All schools have a SENDCo and they work with other teachers and with parents to make sure that pupils with special educational needs get the right support and help they need at school.
Please call the main school office on 0151 525 8489 to make an appointment to meet Mrs Wynne-Hughes or you can email her directly at bwynnehughes@stfrancisdesalesinf.liverpool.sch.uk
Please also refer to our Equalities page tab found under the 'Key Information' heading.
Local Offers
Here you will find information about the Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) local offers for your residential area.
Support Available
- Liverpool Early Help Directory
- National Autistic Society
- ADDvanced Solutions
- ADHD Foundation
- Isabella Trust
- Young Minds
- Special Needs Jungle
- Understanding Autism
- Neuroscience In The Early Years (0-7)
- Understanding Children and Young Peoples Mental Health
- Distressed Behaviour In Children
- Adverse Childhood Experiences
- Counselling
- Understanding Specific Learning Difficulties (ADHD, ADD, Dyslexia and Dyscalculia)
Autism in Girls
Please see the link below for lots of super activities and ideas to support your child with social skills, developing language skills, transition and listening skills:
BBC Bitesize has some great multi-sensory activities that you can do with your child at home. Check them out at the following links:
Five multisensory activities you can do with your child at home - BBC Bitesize
There are some activities to support children with dyspraxia, children who are struggling with strong emotions and other difficulties. Check out the link below to the parent support page:
Parents' Toolkit: Activities: Activities for SEND - BBC Bitesize
Support With Additional Needs (SWAN) group
The Children's Centre are facilitating a Support With Additional Needs (SWAN) group at the County Children’s Centre every Thursday from 9th September 1-2-30pm. If you have concerns about your child’s development/behaviours (with or without a diagnosis), the Children's Centre would be able to work together with you and form a cohesive sense of support for them. Please contact Miss O'Kane on 01515258489 / uokane@stfrancisdesalesinf.liverpool.sch.uk if you would like to be signposted to this service.